
Monica’s stories are getting ready to come more frequently now that she’s talking.  Lil’ Miss Independent is starting to show her colors.  If you’ve been around us in a group setting you know that Monica prefers other mommy’s to her own.  Her philosophy from 20 months on has been, “I’ll see you when I get home mom.”  I’m okay with this right now because my little Miss loves to cuddle and dotes on me with kisses when we’re alone, but in public NO WAY!–  (Wasn’t that stage supposed to come later?!?!)

Anyway I thought I’d share a few things I’ve heard her say over the past week. Her independence continues with her speech.

Eli got in the car after preschool. “Monica, how was your day?” Monica pondered, “Good.” Eli, “What did you do?”  Monica- “I pay wif Roco. I dink apuh juice. I pay wif toys….” She came up with a list–

“Eli, you not ‘beyin’ me!” (obeying)

“Be qy-et, Eli.”  (quiet)

“Momma spank me, Daddy.” (tattling already)

These things have been so fun to hear (accept for the bossy streak). Eli at this age had a five word vocabulary.  He didn’t start talking until a couple months after he turned two.  With what Monica’s already verbalizing, I can tell I am in BIG TROUBLE!!  Don’t you agree…


  1. Denise said


  2. Jenna said

    Lol! Don’t you just love the expanding vocabulary?! She sounds like she’s going to be a stinker… 🙂

    I walked into the boy’s room this morning after feeding Brenton and to get Trey up and Trey says, “hi guys!” Lol! Then he walks over to his doorway, looks at daddy in his office and says, “how are you doing?” To which Nolan replied “good.” So Trey says, “good!” I was cracking up! This is new territory for us!

  3. debi said

    hee hee….girls do seem to always have more to say, don’t they…
    and I had one that was SO independent in public…the second we would reach the door of her room at mothers’ day out, she would promptly and purposefully say ,”goodbye, Mom”!

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